I so wish there was a group like this in my area! I would love to cultivate friendships with like-minded women. Many of my girlfriends are more concerned with everything in their marriage being fair & making sure that things are 50 - 50. Unfortunately 50 - 50 will never work -- a marriage requires both people to give 100%. My girlfriends are too stubborn to be the first one to give in and just be nice. If they just stopped worrying about being right all the time and making sure that they are not giving even 0.0001% more than their husbands I really think they would be a lot happier.
Anyways -- such a cool website / cool group of ladies.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Being a Submissive Wife is Hot
Why Being A Submissive Wife Is Hot
By Julie Sibert. Posted on
Jun 21st 2010.
You can be a submissive wife and
have hot sex.
My husband and I have a fairly
traditional marriage. I stay home with the kids and he goes out into the world
and "slays dragons." (Well, he works for the local gas and
water company, but "slays dragons" sounds more edgy, doesn't it?)
We are your typical chaotic family. On any given day, I'm breaking up
sibling squabbles, staring into my pantry to see if the "dinner
fairy" has again overlooked me, and trying to tame the calendar. Oh, I
also clean up the dog poop. Besides his regular job, my husband juggles
his fair share of home responsibilities too--cars, lawns, broken stuff,
clogged pipes and precarious "about to fall" tree limbs. In addition
to all this, we care for two elderly family members.
My husband and I are Christians and
therefore I believe that it is my calling to be a "submissive"
wife. So what does submission look like for me? I am submissive in that
while my husband and I openly discuss all major decisions that impact our
family, I ultimately yield to his decisions. We agree on some things; we
disagree on other things. That's marriage, but when it comes down to
deciding time, I defer to him. Certainly submission does not mean going against
what I believe is right or moral. For example, if a husband tells his
wife she should "steal," then she would be completely justified in
not submitting to him. And submission absolutely does not mean a woman
should overlook abuse (either of herself or her children).
But I do seek my husband's advice
and opinion and defer to him on many decisions. I believe that he is the head
of the house and I respect his leadership role. This isn't hard for me. I am
fortunate to have a husband who "loves his wife as Christ loved the
church," which is part of a verse from the Bible (Ephesians 5:21-32) that
instructs husbands to care for their wives. So, despite what many people think,
submission for me is not so hard. The life of a submissive wife is a daily
reality for many Christian couples.
And I wouldn't exchange roles for anything. In fact, our traditional roles and
Christian values have led to a great sex
So what does this have to do with
Let me clarify that when I say
"submission" in regards to sexual intimacy, I am not talking about a
wife automatically doing whatever her husband wants sexually, especially
if what he wants flies in the face of what the Bible commands. For
example, if your husband wants to have a threesome or wants you to view
pornography, this would be adulterous, which certainly is outside the bounds of
God's design for sex. If, on the other hand, your husband simply wants to try a
new position or add some variety, I urge you to not instantly say
"no" without some legitimate discussion and prayer.
You can be a submissive wife and
have hot sex.
The Christian model for a marriage
encourages women to be modest, but that doesn't inhibit us from sexual
expression with our husbands. In fact, in 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, God says that
husbands and wives should not withhold their bodies from each other. Sexual
intimacy is a mutually-shared endeavor, where both the husband and wife bear
responsibility. And let's not forget, orgasms were designed by God. And orgasms
feel really, really good. Odds are that because the clitoris is a bit
less predictable than the penis, your husband is going to need your help in
understanding what it is going to take to make you climax. This is where sexual
confidence can strengthen your marriage. You both need to learn with each other
and from each other what arousal looks like for each of you.
Because I submit to my husband, I
feel confident in his care and love and this gives me sexual confidence as well.
We have a mutual sense of safety and trust that can't help but lead to great sex.
I believe God gives good gifts to married couples to be savored and enjoyed,
not ignored and treated carelessly. My husband and I do enjoy a tremendously
satisfying sex life, because we have grown in our sexual confidence
and because we are secure in our roles for our marriage.
Another way that submissiveness
outside of bed lends itself well in bed is that my husband and I have grown in
our vulnerability. Without a doubt, because I am a submissive wife and my
husband "loves me as Christ loved the church," we have really learned
to listen to each other with respect. This equips us to be able to say what we
like sexually and to really listen to one another. We have a
foundation that allows us to be able to say when we make love, "I
like it when you (fill in the blank with random exciting sexual
details)." It's so reassuring to have that kind of vulnerability
that leads to great sex!
All too often, people think that a
good Christian wife isn't sexually confident; however, following the
traditional plan for marriage that God has outlined in the Bible has given me
an immense confidence not only in bed, but in my husband's love and care for
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